Oberlin Magnet Middle School

Oberlin Magnet Middle School

Oberlin Magnet Middle School (formerly Daniels Middle School) in Raleigh, NC commissioned 310ai to both assist with re-branding of school as a result of its name change and to design and produce a graphic retelling of the history and significance of Oberlin Village.


Experience Design, Branding, Graphics


Raleigh, NC

Once located in the same area as the school, Oberlin Village was the largest reconstruction-era black settlement in Wake County. The series of exhibits displayed in the hallways of the school educate students and families about the once thriving community and illustrate the lasting and continuous impact its citizens have had on the region.

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302 Jefferson St #250, Raleigh, NC 27605



The Drift - Meditation Mine Competition, Ireland

The Drift - Meditation Mine Competition, Ireland

Although industrialization was originally started with the purpose of facilitating human life, it is now often the cause of stress and anxiety in the modern world. To provide an escape from the fast-paced and anxious lifestyle of urban life, a meditation retreat is designed at a site which contains the ruins of one of the first mines in Ireland. 


Therefore, in a poetic and cyclical way, the escape from urbanization is also found in its beginnings. 

The Drift is designed for the modern wanderer seeking meaningful, self-reflective, and insightful experiences away from civilization. Previously referring to a miner digging tunnels and mine shafts, today a drifter is any person who wanders and seeks exploration, inwards or out. As such, The Drift becomes a meeting point for people of different backgrounds, and an intersection of the historic past, present and future. The retreat is designed to encourage a shift in mindset through paths responding to the natural changes in topography. This shift is achieved through two contrasting experiences: on one end by burrowing up the hill into darkness and contemplating on the reality of industrialization, and on the other by drifting down the hill to a destination that looks upon water and the untouched land. It provides a holistic approach into meditation that aims to tune the body and mind into a meditative journey embedded in the site.

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302 Jefferson St #250, Raleigh, NC 27605



Motamedi Spa

Motamedi Spa

The spatial experience of this luxury spa gently transitions guests from daily stressors into a state of relaxation, taking inspiration from a passing rain shower which informs the sequence and character of spaces.


Architecture, Interiors


Chapel Hill, NC

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302 Jefferson St #250, Raleigh, NC 27605



3H Equine Rehabilitation Stable, New Hill, NC

3H Equine Rehabilitation Stable, New Hill, NC

The 3H veterinary clinic and stable structure succumbed to a catastrophic fire in November of 2021 leaving nothing of the original structure other than the ground level perimeter concrete wall. The new facility reclaims the existing wall and adds a new heavy timber roof structure delineating the new and the old.

Stables and workspaces are configured to improve operations and make animal care efficient. The high roof structure allows daylight to penetrate the facility and promotes natural air movement reducing highly flammable, airborne hay chaff accumulation. The deep eaves provide shade and protected workspace for farriers.

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More Commercial

302 Jefferson St #250, Raleigh, NC 27605



Calvert Ice Sports

Calvert Ice Sports

The guiding mission of Calvert Ice Sports is to offer an exceptional environment where students can excel as athletes and flourish in life. At over 340,000sf the facility will contain athletic and academic programs under one roof. Competition rinks and support programs are intended to attract public use and major tournaments.


Architecture, Interiors, Experience


Holly Springs, NC

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More Commercial

302 Jefferson St #250, Raleigh, NC 27605



Urban Smiles

Urban Smiles Dental

A startup dental office with a small footprint using clean, contemporary lines, careful planning, and biophilia to create a unique patient experience in Cary, NC.


Interior Design


Cary, NC


2022 IIDA Healthcare Design Award

The program included eight patient rooms, panoramic x-ray room, combined sterilization and lab, consult room, and doctor/staff areas. A statement reception desk and coffee bar establish their brand aesthetic and separate two waiting areas with a variety of soft seating types. The high exposed ceiling and dramatic reception soffit in the lobby creates a unique layered experience.


© 2023 310 Architecture + Interiors. All rights reserved.

302 Jefferson St #250, Raleigh, NC 27605



UNC CH Mad Hatters Cafe

Mad Hatters Cafe

second-generation renovation of existing cafe space, on the first floor of the Brinkhouse - Bullitt Building. Work includes cabinetry, finishes, equipment, PME related construction and associated branding. The cafe’s construction was completed in an occupied dining space.


Interior Design


© 2023 310 Architecture + Interiors. All rights reserved.

302 Jefferson St #250, Raleigh, NC 27605




Barkitecture Competition

2019 AIA Triangle Barkitecture Submission -"Build A Bark" creates a open source, customizable and transportable shelter for all dogs! By simplifying the construction method and material cost we allow anyone to build our shelter! Just take a 8'x 4' sheet of plywood, cut per our template and snap the pieces together! Once assembled your best friend will have a home they will love!


Graphic Design

Poster Competition Submission


The Last Genocide Memorial

The Last Genocide Memorial

Genocides, as acts of murder, focus on annihilating the common identity and culture of specific groups of people. Despite the idea that genocides lead to entire communities being erased, they are often described in minute detail which dissuades the realization of the impact of genocides and encourages general ignorance by the average bystander.

This memorial is designed to educate viewers on the reality of genocides while honoring the lives of all who have suffered. It forces the viewer to empathize with the victims by juxtaposing the void left behind by this type of annihilation with the humanization of those who were lost.




Ontario, Canada




Jewish worshippers filter through stone walls that organize sacred spaces and evoke to the nonlinear journey of religious understanding.


Interior Design

Site Plan